55 Amazing And Less Known Facts About Adolf Hitler's Rise to Power!

Adolf Hitler, a name linked to heinousness, continues to fascinate and horrify the globe. Despite this, there are fascinating and lesser-known sides of his life that frequently elude public scrutiny. We uncovered shocking information about Adolf Hitler's artistic aspirations, personal relationships, and involvement in the occult throughout this investigation. We question preconceived beliefs and traverse the complexity that shaped one of history's most infamous figures by going beyond the usual narrative. Prepare to peel back the layers of Hitler's life and explore the fascinating and lesser-known aspects of his unstable life.

Adolf Hitler
Image: IgorGolovniov / Shutterstock.com

1. Hitler was a budding artist who applied to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts twice but was turned down both times.

2. He admired architect Albert Speer and imagined huge building projects for Germany under Nazi authority.

3. Hitler was afraid of cats and was known to be nervous in their presence.

4. He was a vegetarian who avoided eating meat for health and ideological grounds.

5. Hitler had a variety of health concerns, including stomach disorders, tremors, and chronic flatulence.

6. Despite his reputation for great oratory, Hitler was terrified of public speaking and would frequently endure nervousness before giving speeches.

7. Hitler was fascinated by the occult and held beliefs in astrology, numerology, and other mystical concepts.

8. During his reign, he survived multiple assassination attempts, including the famous July 20 plan in 1944.

9. Hitler's moustache, dubbed the "toothbrush moustache," became an iconic symbol of his image.

10. He was an ardent reader with a large personal library that included literature on history, politics, and philosophy.


11. Hitler had monarchism, a condition in which a male has only one testicle.

12. He was close to his niece Geli Raubal, who died under unexplained circumstances. Some think it was a suicide, while others think it was murder.

13. Hitler admired Henry Ford and regarded him as a role model for his industrial successes.

14. He was terrified of dentists and dental operations, which often resulted in poor oral hygiene.

15. Hitler was a dog lover, and he had a German Shepherd named Blondi with him in his final days.

16. He was a prolific writer who wrote the autobiographical manifesto "Mein Kampf" while in prison.

17. Hitler was terrified of dentures and refused to use them, causing his tooth health to deteriorate.

18. He was enthralled by the legend of the Holy Grail and believed it contained mystical powers.

19. Hitler suffered from insomnia and frequently worked late into the night, barely sleeping for a few hours.

20. Hitler withdrew to his subterranean bunker in Berlin near the end of World War II, where he committed suicide on April 30, 1945.

Image: IgorGolovniov / Shutterstock.com

21. Hitler had a deep interest in opera and adored composer Richard Wagner's works, frequently attending performances in Bayreuth.

22. He loved animals and had a special passion for German Shepherds, even establishing a training school for them.

23. Hitler's childhood desire was to become a priest, but his goals shifted as he grew older.

24. He had a troubled relationship with his father, Alois Hitler, and frequently disagreed with him about professional choices.

25. Alois Hitler Jr., Hitler's half-brother, went to Ireland and eventually to the United States.

26. Hitler served as a soldier during World War I and was twice awarded the Iron Cross for bravery.

27. He was a big supporter of the Olympics and went to the 1936 Berlin Olympics to promote Nazi philosophy.

28. Hitler despised smoking and instituted anti-smoking programmes throughout Nazi Germany.

29. He was a talented orator who meticulously practiced his talks, giving special attention to his gestures and body language.

30. Hitler was fascinated by the legendary city of Atlantis and thought it was an Aryan civilization.

Source: Bundesarchiv on
Wikimedia Commons

31. He avoided flying whenever feasible and preferred to travel by train or car.

32. Hitler was known to have erratic sleep patterns and suffered from chronic insomnia.

33. He was close to his younger sister, Paula Hitler, who lived in seclusion after the war.

34. Hitler loved architecture and had ambitious ambitions for reconstructing Berlin as the Nazi empire's capital.

35. He was a vegetarian not only for health reasons, but also because he believed in animal welfare.

36. Hitler enjoyed classical music and frequently listened to composers such as Beethoven and Mozart.

37. He was profoundly superstitious and believed that fate and luck played a big influence in one's life.

38. Hitler had chronic flatulence and intestinal problems, which he blamed on stress and anxiousness.

39. He was obsessed with the concept of racial purity and advocated for eugenics initiatives to establish Aryan superiority.

40. Hitler was a talented painter who specialised in landscapes and architectural subjects. Some of his works are still in existence today.

41. He developed a crush on opera singer Winifred Wagner, Hitler's close friend and confidante.

42. Hitler had a severe distaste to smoking in his presence and would frequently chastise people who did so.

43. He was fascinated by the occult and believed in the power of symbols, notably the swastika, which became the Nazi Party's insignia.

44. Hitler was an insomniac who worked late into the night, powered by stimulant drugs and his own driven disposition.

Image credit: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

45. He was a fan of German folklore and mythology, especially the stories of the Nibelungs and the Saxons.

46. After being assaulted by a huge dog as a child, Hitler developed a phobia of dogs, which he eventually conquered and developed an affection for.

47. He was passionate about architecture and was involved in the design and planning of numerous Nazi structures and monuments.

48. Hitler was a staunch vegetarian who abstained from alcohol save for a few sips of wine on special occasions.

49. He had a cleaning fetish and was known to wash his hands constantly, sometimes up to 30 times each day.

Source: Bundesarchiv on Wikimedia Commons

50. Hitler despised modern art and considered it degenerate, which resulted in the prohibition and confiscation of several artworks under his dictatorship.

51. He was enthralled with the mystical novel "The Morning of the Magicians" by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, which delves into esoteric and paranormal issues.

52. Hitler admired America and considered the American eugenics effort as a model for creating racial purity.

53. He was afraid of the dentist and would frequently postpone or skip dental treatments, resulting in poor oral health and ongoing dental problems.

54. Hitler adored children and was known to connect with them warmly during public appearances and rallies.

55. Hitler was a skillful manipulator of public opinion, and he used propaganda extensively to spread Nazi ideology.

In conclusion, researching into Adolf Hitler's lesser-known facts has presented a multidimensional portrayal of one of history's most renowned figures. We discovered surprising insights about his multifaceted personality and interests in addition to the tragedies and atrocities linked with his name. From his creative hobbies and love of animals to his fears and obsessions, these lesser-known facets of Hitler humanize him in ways that challenge our perception of him as a mere symbol of evil. Examining these hidden dimensions reminds us of the complexities of human nature and the immense influence that one person may have on the course of history. While the legacy of Adolf Hitler remains one of evil and carnage, delving deeper into the depths of the human brain compels us to think on the need of vigilance, empathy, and the pursuit of a more compassionate world. All photo credits goes to their real owners.

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